Sunday, October 26, 2008

OK...Since Goulash is a Food...Let's Start There

Welcome to my first official post on Daily Goulash...

This is a place for me to rant, rave, post, complain - what ever I feel like doing. It's sort of undefined, kind of like goulash. I mean, who really knows what goulash is? I know it's a mixture of something, but I'm sure if you asked different people, you'd get different answers about what it is. (If you know what goulash really is, please feel free to leave a comment, and I will gladly clarify.)

Since goulash is made in the kitchen, I thought I'd start with a post about something made from in the kitchen -cake! I love to make cakes! I love to be able to express myself with how I decorate them. It is very therapeutic, and a way for me to feel a sense of accomplishment when I see my completed piece of art.

Here are some pictures of some of my favorite culinary attempts at cake greatness.

My nephew loved this one for his 9th birthday. It really impressed his friends.
I used regular icing techniques as well as colorflow.

Another birthday cake using butter cream icing.

My first attempt at using rolled fondant. This cake was for my daughter's 14th birthday. She loved it!

Another attempt at rolled fondant for my mother-in-law's and daughter's joint birthday celebration. I wised up this time and used a pasta roller to roll out the fondant.

So this is just a little bit about me in a nut shell....or should I say cake pan.


Anonymous said...

Wow, beautiful cakes, especially the one with the fondant!

Angie Mozilo said...

Thank you for stopping by....I love making cakes. Thanks for the compliment.